The Pyramid Of Success
                                                                  John Wooden
                                                                     25 blocks

Image result for the pyramid of success

Block 1: Industriousness
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."

All these examples of the pyramid of success  will make you a better person. You will fell better about yourself. For example when you work in industriousness you will get things more well done. When you put effort to the things you will see that they are going to end up more will done. When you work hard you will be more happy with what you have at the end. You will also get a better grade and will feel good abut yourself inside out. Put good effort in everything you do to accomplish something well. don't waste your time with something that you will not put effort in it. At the end it will kind of be like wasting your time.   So always do things because you want to do them. Do not be doing them because they will help you later on ,but you do not want to do it. Also work hard for the thing that are going to help you later with your future. Do things that will help you later on in the long run. Remember to always choose wisely. Also always CTR and never the wrong.

Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."

Image result for enthusiasmEnthusiasm is intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. Enthusiasm is a everyday thing. When you are waiting for something that you been wanting or waiting a long time that is enthusiasm. When you want to do something and that cases you to feel happy because you did it. That is a good thing because you want to do things that make you happy. You need to find something that you like to actually enjoy doing them. Don't do something that you don't want to only because someone told you. Explore for the things you like and find something you would like doing with out no one telling you what to do. It is okay to not be into a thing and just don't like it. You just have to keep on looking and find something you are happy doing. Many things could be accomplish when you have enthusiasm in them. You could show enthusiasm in a lot of ways and may forms. For example when you start a job, start a project, and even starting school. If something goes wrong you are going to feel bad ,but then you move on. You have to  try and say to yourself that you got it. That you also could do and accomplish anything you put your mind to. Remember to also cheer yourself up and not bring you down. Enthusiasm will always bring you better things. It could bring you happiness and joy . Sometimes the other way around. So always try to stay Enthusiasm in everything.


"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

Image result for friendship   Friendship is very helpful sometimes you need it. Sometimes when you need help in something they are there to help you. Of course when they need your help , you help them to. You always have to be equal and treat them the way you want to be treated. Friends also help you have fun. They sometime make you laugh and do memories over the years. Also at one point my loss friends. At the same time you will meet new people that will become your new friends. For example if you go to a new school you will meet new people. Sometimes you also will meet friends that are not really your friends. Sometime they choose the wrong and they do bad things. Also they bring you into trouble. You also have to remember what is the good and what is the bad. You always have to choose what will be the best for you in the future. Also what you plan to be in the future and accomplish it. Remember your goals and do not let nothing stop you.

   Block:4 Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."

Image result for loyalty mean  Loyalty is the quality of being loyal to someone or something. You always have to keep up with your promises . You always have to be trust able for people could trust you. People have to know that they could trust you and tell you what is happening. You deiced how trustful you want to be. You always have to try to be honest with yourself and the people around you. When you lie that will not turn out that great the when you just tell the true. So always try to be honest. For example when a friend says something wrong you my still go on his or her side. The right thing you should do is the tell your friend what is the right if she was wrong. It's good that you are loyal to some one and know that people will trust you in everything. You first have to win that trust and show them some way that they could trust you. For example tell them that if they need someone to talk to that you are there. Just try your best to make people happy and tell will be to. They would try to always have you when they need help from you. For the most part you will be happy that you have people that you are happy and that they trust you. Always try your best to be loyal and choose the right. When you Ctr you will feel much better with yourself.

  Block:5 Cooperation

"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "

Image result for Cooperation      Cooperation is the  process of working together to the same end. When you work together at the end things will come out better for you. When you work in teamwork you will get things more well done. For example when you work in a project and you have to do it in group. Try to work together at the end it will turn out much better and probably get a better grade. When you work with others and work together you put all your ideas into one and get a better result then if work alone. When always have to try to work with others and try to understand what they think. Try to use their ideas and yours and probably something good will come out of it. to achieve something you have to sometimes work together to get it done. Not always have it your way think of others options and what they have to say. use their ideas and you will create something new. Be willing to give people their turn to think what they think. Then when they  you go their way. If it does not work then try something you will do to see if you could fix it. At the end be sharing and just listen to what they have to say and what to do. Always remember to Ctr and never the wrong.

   Block:6  Ambition (For noble goals)

Image result for Ambition  Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. Sometimes you have to work hard to get better things in life. Sometimes you have to give up what really is not that important. Also think of the things that will help you later on in the long run. For example if you are going out to a party with your friends and you don't know if you want to go or stay. Lets say you have a test the next day what would be the right thing to do. The right thing to do is to not go to that party have more time to study. In the long run it will help you much better than going to the party. For example if you go you will probably fail the test and probably fail the class. You sometimes have to work hard for what you want. When you do a new goal try to achieve it and move on to the next goal. Try to always work on what you want and don't stop. Don't let people stop you of doing what you want. It is good to sometimes think about yourself and what you want to be in life. What you want to be in the future and what you want to achieve and just keep on going. Always do the right and never do the wrong.

Block:7  Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

Image result for Self-Control Self control  ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations. At one point you are going to be tempted to do the bad. What you have to do is to self control yourself is to do the right always. Think of what you are going to do before you do it. Don't just do it because it first comes out to your mind. Also think of the consequences and think of what will happen to you. For example if you go to a place that you have to be quite. Then you are so bored because you have to wait a long time. Don't begin to talk and just do something quite. Don't interact others because for some reason the place has to be quite in the first place. Different places you go to rules will change. Sometimes you will like them and sometimes you will not. You always have to CTr and never the wrong. That is when you try you self control and show that you could be quite. If the rules say to be quite. Then talk but not in a high voice. Also if it tells you to not run or touch anything then just do not do it. So always follow the rules and just CTR.

   Block:8  Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

Image result for Alertness pic     Alertness is the quality of being alert. You could be alert when you choose the right. For example when you make the right decisions. When you have to choose what is right and what is wrong be alert of what you want to choose. Think of the actions you want to take and the consequences that are from those actions. Think and alert yourself if that is the right decision you want to make. If is is then make the decision if it for the best. If it is also going to help you in the long run and later on in life. Alertness is to always be open minded for the people that are around you. If you are learning something new be excited to learn. Be eager to go more into details. For example when you you make new friends and those friends are CTW. The right thing for you is to always be alerted in what they do. You will then start to see that they are doing bad. From there you will see if you still want to be there friends. If they are going to do the right or affect you. Believe and stay open minded that you could do what ever you want in life. That what ever you put your mind to you accomplish it. Don't forget to always CTr and never the wrong. 

  Block:10  Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."
Image result for Intentness
 Intentness is determined concentrated and intent look.  You have to set a goal and try to achieve it. Don't try to leave your goals only half way. Always think positive about yourself and say that you could do things. Don't let nothing bring you down. When you are completing a goal try to don't fall it to temptations. For example into drugs or hanging out with the bad people. You always have to have a second to think if what you are doing is the  right choose for you. If those chooses that you make in life are going to help you in the future. Off course life is going to sometimes be a bit hard but you always have to pass those obstacles. Don't say you are going to come back for to solve them later on. Try to solve them all at once. Be determine the whole goal process that you are going to be fine and that you are going to achieve what ever you put your mind into. You have control to take decisions over your life. You get to pick the right and the wrong and also what is good for you and what is bad. Intentness is all about setting goals and achieving them. Also when achieving them concentrate and be determine to achieve it with no temptation during the process. 

   Block:12 Sincerity (keeps friends)

Image result for Sincerity Sincerity is the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. Sincerity is when Sincerity is the virtue of one who communicates and acts in accordance with their feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and desires. Sincerity is not to say what you think. What it means is to mean everything you say by the heart. Don't say lies because those lies could take you into more lies. Speak with the truth you at the end will fell much better. You keep friends when you tell them and be honest in everything. When you promise to do things and you do them that is also sincerity. If you don't keep your promise people will start to loose your trust. All choose the right and never the wrong. Do the right decisions and you will go through the right path. You just feel like a good person say sincere things from the heart. Sincerity means good in all ways . For example you will do new friends because they know how you are. Also the way you think about things and the way you describe them.   When you say and do what you means you will have a good relationship with others. You will also have a long lasting relationship with your close ones.     

Block:13 Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."

Image result for Condition   Condition is the state of something, especially with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order. You have to have condition complete something. For example a goal you need to finish it until the end. You don't have to start it and say you are going to finish it later. Try to finish it at the same pace as you started it. When you have condition you will do thing so much better later on. You will find thing and do thing more quickly.  Condition is always a good thing to do later on in life it will come in handing. You will be able to function much better for things that you have to do.You show condition by doing your best and never stop what you are doing. For example finish what you are doing and complete your goals. If you put your mind to it then you will accomplish anything you want. Tell yourself that anything is possible it you put your mind to it. Sometimes you just need practice to do well later on. Always choose what is right for you.What is going to help you later on in life and in the future. Remember to always CTR and never the wrong.

    Block:14  Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

Image result for skillSkill is the ability to do something well,expertise. A skill is something you are good with. Something you know you do well and do your best in. Before you have skills you have to have a lot of practice with what you do. You have to take out time to practice and get more better. You learn better when you practice. You have skill when you know what you are doing. When you just go into the main point of it. Be prepared for anything you have to do. For example you could probably be good at solving problems. So every time you are in a problem it would be much easier to solve. You will know what to do at the moment and get out of the problem as soon as possible. Another thing is to be good at school. Some better my be good in school in some subjects and many others in other subjects. There are people that are good at every subject  and that is good. That is also a skill and just help other people out. You just try to be the best in everything you can. Try to go beyond on what you can. One day in the future it might help you in a positive way. You have to just do your best and you will be fine. Think that whatever  you put your mind you  could achieve it. Stay on the right path and never go wrong. Always CTR and never the wrong.

Block:15   Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

Image result for what is team spirit
    Team work is feelings of camaraderie among the members of a group, enabling them to cooperate and work well together. If you work as a team you will get things much better done. You will have better ideas on what to do. For example if you work on a project for school you will get things better done. You will even have a better grade. There is team work everywhere. You get to have more ideas about what you are doing. Team work is planing and working in groups. You always work in team you will get things better done. So always remember if you get something done it is sometimes done by team work. If you don't understand something probably your team will understand. You may help each other. Just remember that you are all in the same team. Teamwork does make the differences. Always try to do what will help you later on in the future. To help you in the lung run in a positive way. So you always choose the right and never the wrong. Always work a teamwork to make a difference in what you do.

Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
 “Make the most out of what you have.”

"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it.
Image result for Resourcefulness         Resourcefulness is the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. You have to think if what you want to do works. If you see that it is nothing bad then go ahead and do it. If you put your mind to it you could achieve so many things in life. Off course there is going to be obstacles but  I know that you will be all fine. Don't ever say that you can't do anythings because that is never true. You could achieve anything. Don't let that dream ever go. If you always wanted that dream then anything is possible. Always say to yourself that you could do it. When you think that you can't achieve it motivated yourself that you could do it. Don't spend your time doing bad stuff. Try to spend your time the most useful possible. Don't spend life doing and choosing the wrong thing. Also doing bad stuff. Its your life and try to spend most of it in a productive way. Don't get into trouble and just do what to got to do to get a better life. Think of what will help you in the future. Do things and think if that will have you in the long run. Remember to always choose the right and never the wrong.

     Block:18 Poise

"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
Image result for Poise means    Poise is grateful and elegant bearing in a person. You do you. Don't try to be another person that you are not. Always try to be yourself not anyone else. Don't think that you are not able to solve a situation by yourself. Don't think that the world will end just because you don't know how to do something. Always try your best and you will be fine in life. Your life will be going through out the years just try to enjoy it. Choose what is best for you in life. Don't get into trouble and always Choose the Right. Choose what in the long run will be right for you. Don't think negative about life. Think better that you will be okay anywhere you are. There will be many obstacles in life and we just have to know how to solve them. When to have courage and say that we will be fine. Think good about yourself and everything will be great through out the years. Make the right decisions. If you are good in life it will be good to you. In the other hand if you are bad the it will go probably all wrong. Be on the right path and always CTR and never the wrong.

    Block 19: Confidence 
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"

Image result for confidence    Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. You have to trust yourself. Think positive that everything will go on fine. Don't bring you own self down. With confidence you will feel much better every day. You will have a better understanding of what you want. You at one point will have a better understanding of what you want. Believe that anything is possible in life. That whatever you put your mind to, you could achieve it. You take the decisions you want to be better in life. Think positive and never negative. Never let people bring you down or tell you what to do or not to do. Make decisions that are later going to help you in life. Don't be sorry for all the things you done. You only feel sorry for the things  you id wrong. Things that will help you in the future are good for you. Have the confidence that everything you do will go on fine. For example start a job, do a test, or even try something new. Don't start thinking that everything will go wrong when you have not even started doing the task. If you think everything will go right it will go on right. In the other hand if you think it will go wrong then most likely it will go wrong.Remember to always choose the right and never the wrong.

  Block: 20
 Reliability (creates respect)
Image result for ReliabilityReliability is the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well. You have to trust others in order for them to trust you. Always speak with the true. Never be playing around and saying to much lies.Then the lies will keep getting worse and worse and you might burn yourself. You have to show respect the same way you want others to show respect. You need to show that you care for other people could care for you. Treat others how you want to be treated. If they see the respect that you show then they will show respect. Its all about they way you act and people see how you act. You have to be nice to others for them to be nice to you. Always show that you are there for them. try to hear them and listen to them. Never ignore or don't pay attention to them. They then will see and will start to do those things back for you. maybe one day you would need someone to talk to. Thats when they will come in.They will listen and hear you because you also do the same for them. Its really just creating respect with others to get respect back. Just remember to always choose the right and never the wrong.

  Block:21 Fight (determined effort)
Image result for Fight means pictures  Fight is part of a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons. Sometimes it is good to fight. You have to fight for only what is right. Never try to fight with someone for something that is not worth it. You have to fight for the tings that will help you later on with life. When you have something try to always accomplish it. never leave it half way. Try to accomplish anything that will be in the long run helpful for you. You have to fight for what you are wanting and if its a good thing or a bad thing.Fight for all the things you want in life and what makes you happy. You have to always Choose what is Right and never Choose what is Wrong. Don't go away from what you could succeed in life. Don't try to run away from the things you could accomplish. Fight for the opportunities you have in life. determined effort in everything you do. Show that you want to accomplish everything you want. Don't ever let people or yourself bring you down. Always think positive and never 


      Block:22 Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."

Competitive is relating to or characterized by competition. Sometimes it is good to be competitive. To think about yourself and what will help you. See what later on will help you. Be the best and put your part to accomplish something. Set your goals and aim for them. Know what you are going for and just do it. Perform your best when your best is needed. Always think positive and say that you will do good. Also that you will win. Never bring yourself down. Don't do things because others tell you to do it and you don't find interest in it. It's not always about win it's about having fun. You you don't have fun then how did you enjoy it. If you could do more things then what you can then do so. Just remember don't yourself to stressed. Do things that will always make you happy. That one day you will don't regret doing. Never be bad competitive with other people. Don't do it because other people do it. Do it because you want to do it and because you will know that you will always give your fully best at all times. Remember to always choose the right and never the wrong.

Block:23 Integrity (purity of intention)

 Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Just be honest and you will feel better about yourself. You would not feel bad. Show that you care for the things your doing. Also show people who you really are. Show people that you could be trust all the time. That they could have someone to always talk to. Have the honor to say that you always do good things. To say that you feel proud that you did what was right. Have integrity is good standards of yourself. You will feel more proud of yourself. Be honest to yourself and everyone around you. Always remember to choose the right and never the wrong, You will never feel like your doing wrong if you are always doing what you know it is right. When you do something don't do it because you want to do something bad. Do it because it came from you and you want to help. Start and finish the job with only good intentions. Remember to always do the right thing even though no one is watching.

Block: 24 
 Faith (through prayer)
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.

 Faith is a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. If you have faith then everything will be just fine. You think positive then the things will go on fine. You always have to try and believe that everything will go on fine. If you start to think negative then what would things end up like. They will end up negative. Sometimes you are barely going to start something and you thinking that it will only end up bad. That is not the way you should start something. You just since the beginning think positive and say everything will be okay. With faith you could accomplish anything you want . Anything you put your mind in to. If you have faith you should never be afraid of anything. You should not because you always know that things will come out like how you want them to be. Day through day think that your day will just go on fine and it will/. Always have faith for the things you do that are right. Never have faith that things could come out good for something bad. Always try to Choose the right and never the wrong.

Block:25   Patience (good things take time)

Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Don't get angry or mad when you are doing something. Always try to be calm and you will finish things more faster. When you are calm at doing things, then your things will get so much better done. Good things always take time. Sometimes you will be feeling like you are done and frustrated. Don't stop the things that you are doing only because you feel angry. For example if you are doing your homework and you just want to be done. Then your angry because you can't finis it and you want to go play. So you pick to just write in whatever comes into your mind. Then when you grade comes you don't like it, but you know you were not patient to finish it correctly. In the other hand if you were patent you would of finish the homework correctly you would of gotten a better grade. Just remember to always Choose the right and never the wrong. Also always try to patient and never get angry or upset.

   Block: Reflection

 Over all I did like what I learned from all the 25 blocks. You learn how to be responsible and kind with other people. The pyramid of success Is for you to become a become a better person. To be the better of yourself. Every single one of these blocks help you to achieve better things in life. For example be patient in everything you do. If you are patient you will get things better done. Be confident in everything you do even though you might done it wrong. Keep trying until you do get it right. Remember to never give up. It is important to be fair to others. Show that you care what others do or say. Every where you go show that you have self control. Try to always leave a good impression of yourself. Learn how to build friendship with others. Always be kind and treat others how you want to be treated. It is important to never loss your faith in something. You always have to think positive that everything will go on fine. Never thing the worse could happen to you. Never fight for something you got into trouble for. Fight instead for good things.Fight for the things that will beneficial later on in life. Always be poise and just be yourself. Don't try to be someone else. It will make you feel much better to be you not anyone else. Always be enthusiasm To wake up every morning to learn something new. Remember to always choose the right and never the wrong.



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