10 Keys to Personal Power

Key 1Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life.  Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going.  If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

       Clarity is the quality of being clear, in particular.  For example when you know what choices you know what to do. When you also know what is go to pick and what is not. When we are small we we plan on being someone later on when we grow up. Some of those people become what they wanted to be since they were small. The reason they accomplish this is because they put there minds to it. They take it serious and they work to get their goal. You have to have an idea of what you want to be in life and who you want to become. Clarity is like a path that leads you to where you want to be in life. If you don't have plans in life you are just going to be lost. It is like you are not going to know what to do in life. Off course in life there will always be obstacles but if you want to get to where you want . You will always try your best to get out of those obstacles.  

Key 3 : Concentration - Concentration is the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort. When you concentrate you get things done way better then when you don't. You focus on what are you working on. You accomplish more things in life when you do what you are suppose to do. Don't leave things for later  and do them at that moment. When new things are shown to you if you focus later on you will not need help with that same topic. You will not struggle and be lost in what or how you are suppose to solve that problem. If you concentrate life will go much easier because you will know what to do for the most part. Concentration is the way to learning new things. if you understand something then help others understand it to. Off course sometimes you don't understand something or get it at all. It is important to give you whole attention to what you are learning because later on you may not know how to do it in your own time. For example for school if you never learned the lesson and don't know what to do. A test may come up and for the most part you might fail it. So just try to learn things it will give you a better and easy life.

   Key 4 : Common Sense   Train your mind, think things through, listen to your intuition, learn from setbacks                                                                                        Common sense is a good sense and sound judgment in practical matters. For example at one point you well start to see what are the better choices for you in life. When you grow you will understand how to be more common sense about everything you do. Some people depending there age they act wise. So if you do not ask wise start to. An example if you show your kid the ABC when they are babies  he or she will become more smarter. Also if the kid is polite as a child then he will be a polite parents one day. In the other hand if the kids always likes to get into trouble the for the most part the child will be getting into trouble when they are grown ups. when we are growing we are all going to know what is the best and the worse for us. Also what to choose or not. It all about choosing the good things. You have to be CTR 24/7 always.

"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."

Consideration is careful thought, typically over a period of time.Consideration is that you consider what you have. That you value the things that you have in any way or form. For example friends and family members. You also can"t forget to treat them the same . Treat others how you want to be treated. try to get on others people shoes and feel what they feel. Give them advice and show them that you care.Also consider what is right in life and what is wrong. Try to always pick the best and that is going to help you later in with life. Don't do things that are bad in life like drugs. Always consider that you have someone that cares for you but you need to show that you care for them to. You should help others and try to listen more because they sometimes need someone to talk to.

    Key 7: Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work.  Be the person that people can depend upon.  That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."
Image result for consistency     To be consistent you have to show how you care about other. You also have to listen to what they say and always try to give them advice. Don’t try to show that you do not care because it will make them feel like you actually don’t care for them. You need to treat your family or friends the way you want to be treated. Not always friends you could be using the consistence you could always use it in school. For example always true in your work on time or your project. You also could work consist in school to always set a goal and achieve it . When you set a goal you always try to give your best and don’t forget that you have a goal that for sure you could achieve. Be careful with the choices you make because sometimes they lead to bad things. Always accomplish what you have in mind. Don’t do things that could lead you to bad things. Always CTR and you will always find the right thing to do. So that is the 7 key consistency. You also have to trust the people around you and the environment.

Key 8 : Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment.  The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."

"Become totally absorbed in your work.  Be totally committed."

Image result for commitment       Commitment is an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action. To be committed you have to give your word to what you say. If you are committed to something do it . For example if you want to get good grades for school . You will be trying to reach your goal anyway possible. If you have something to do and you promise it to yourself or something the always do it. If you are not committed to things then how are you going to accomplish your goals. You have to put your mind to something and do it. If you are not committed then how are you going to turn in your promises into reality. You have to just do the things that are best for you, Don't do the things that in the future are not going to help you in anything.The good things about commitment is that it makes you a better person. People know more how you are and how you think

   Key 9 :Courage

"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

Image result for courage   It is good to have courage and always do the right thing. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. Sometimes it is good to go out of your comfort zone to do things. Some times big opportunities come into our life and you don't know if you want to say no or yes. You may try something new and you did not understand or do not know what to do. Tell yourself that everything will be okay to never give up and you will try again and again until you get it. If you fall get back right up don't stay down there. You have to have courage to choose the best decisions that are going to help in the future. To do things you always have to think good about yourself and always think that you will achieve what you want. Don't let opportunities pass because you worry about thing so much. Just do the good opportunities that you have because probably later in life you will regret it. Also never let other people tell what you can't do, think of what you want. Sometimes those people may be stopping you from doing what you want.

 Key:10 Confidence

"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."

Image result for Confidence
      Confidence the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something firm trust.  Confidence is you trusting yourself. That you could do what ever you put your mind into. That you could accomplish your goal if you want. The only thing you have to do is work for it. Never think that you can't do things and just think positive about yourself. Never let nothing stop you and just do the best for you. Do what is best for you and will help you in the future. Sometimes you are the only one that is bringing yourself down. You are the only one that is holding you from doing things. You decide if you want to do certain things in your life. Just think what will be best for you not because other people tell you to do. Practice the more you do things  better you will get. So then you will have more confidence in you. If you have trouble with something just practice and eventually you will get better. Just remember that you could do anything you want. Don't let no one bring you down.


Image result for 10 keys The keys will help me to be a better person. to give more effort in everything I do. Learn how to show more effort. Also have courage on the things we do. Say yes on the good opportunities that are going in our life. Have confidence that you will accomplish your goals. Think positive about yourself and try to accomplish things. If you fall pick yourself right back up, Never give up. Also if you fall get back up and never think that you can't accomplish things. If you put your mind to it probably next time you do it you will pass it. Have the courage to do new things in life. Ever let anyone stop you. Aldo try to do things out of my comfort zone. Try don't to let people tell you what to do or not. Over all i did learn a lot from the 10 keys. Later on in life it would help me a lot.
